Monday 28 November 2011

It doesn't matter if you want or not, change it is here

Change is something is searched sometime happends without our pleasure, change happends later one crisis or maybe crisis is to notice change it's goin to happend (that is maybe the resason because japanese people use the same word crisis and oportunity). Inteligence is the capacity of adaptation, that't it is how you adapt to the changes. Our brain it is ready to the change, but we use to use a believe who says there are permanent things (but it is a illusion, we live in a planet who moves around the universe a great speed, nobody knows if we will be alive tomorrow so how we can know our house it will be forever?), that is the way for example I learnt Economy or Social Psicology (Science I studied are based in the study of one variable related with another wich it suposed remains constant). That and the procastination do more difficult face the changes and we react in a reluctant way in front of the changes we don´t wait for (I am sure you can imagine a lot of examples, a couple breakdown, job loss, a decision of our parents that you dont wait for...), but the changes happend doesn´t matter if you want or not (there you have an example about carer prospects changes), so the best you can do is accept some change is happening and think what is the best we can do in this situation.

Because if change happend and you remind the same all your life at the end you would lose, because it is impossible to be adapted in the same way to one enviroment who change all the time is for this we have now concepts as lifelong learning program in the European Union and in our University or change management in the companies, to do more effective adaptability to change.
For me it was four weeks my life changed! an this week I found more than 20 part-time jobs for you! that you can find it in Newport Prospects, and I met Paul Andrews of Centre for Digitally Enhanced Learning  to introduce Career team to their service, we talk about very interesting things like googlios (A very interesting e-portfolio). I met Gemma Gabriel (HR Manager) because we are planing colaborate and Mark Beynon and Sarah Davies of European office, where you can inform about Erasmus program, we are interested in offered maybe some scheme to european internships but we need to know if you are interested!

Now is your turn, you decide what kind of life you want to have in your future (because your future starts now!), so you know where you can find me and all Career Service team or any University Service who are here to serve you! Don't forguet you can be friend of our account in Facebook or follow us in Twitter (both account brilliantly managed by Sharon Holt, who I want to thank about her help with this blog!)

I would like to finish with a Bob Dyland Song, and some words about change and crisis it supouse are from Einstein, hoping inspiring you, because I know Uk is a great place, but there is things who it can improve!

Do not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same. The crisis is the greatest blessing that can happen to people and countries, because the crisis brings progress. Creativity is born of anxiety as the day comes from the dark night. It is in crisis born of invention, discovery and major strategies. He who overcomes crisis surpasses himself without being overcome.
Who attributed their failures to the crisis and hardship, neglects his own talent and respects more problems than solutions. The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence. The disadvantage of individuals and countries is laziness to find solutions to their problems. There is no crisis challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow death. There is no crisis without merit. It is in the crisis which show the very best of each, because without any wind caress crisis. Talk of crisis is to promote, and be silent in the crisis is to exalt conformism. Instead, work hard. Get it over with menacing crisis that is the tragedy of not being willing to overcome.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

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