Friday 6 January 2012

Who are we? where do we come from? Where do we go for lunch?

Hello, Happy New Year! After being sick, study English hard to lose it in my Christmas holidays with my family and friends in my native Murcia here I am again!Most people have goals for the New Year, not get me wrong, I love the goals, I usually get a list of ground targets and usually archive before or after (to quit smoking or just be here writing this blog as part of my Leonardo grant are some goals that I have archived), but these objectives are part of a whole larger than ourselves, and as I do not like run going nowhere before dialing these goals seems important to answer to these three questions.

Because my education, which like most of my generation in my city and my country has Catholic roots in all the values ​​and ways of thinking that we learn, we should answer god creatures, who come from and go to the eat where god wants. But if you say so, we would not be consistent with myself, because maybe by or perhaps in spite of my education I am agnostic and the truth is that despite having sought some information to those questions in science have not found an answer, which I assume that we are probably here by accident and therefore we have no target (or at least we know, few political disputes, religious or philosophical would calm if we overcome!). Given this uncertainty (how bad it feels to the humans) that we can do? Assume that we know who we are or where we come from, but we can decide where we go for lunch ...For that we need to know what we like, we must know ourselves and for that we can be helpful to draw a timeline (where indicate the important events that make us as we are and the future events we want to achieve), that will lead to a "table of commitments" must be with yourself (I do not mean that either we have to take into account the others, but not clear that if we forget ourselves comprimised). For all this self-confidence is essential (if you do not have in a particular field can help us remember times or areas of our lives where if we have, and try to do something similar in the area problem), we must assume personal responsibility (in the future we are who we are responsible ourselves). Here the work (which is my passion) has a great importance, because we spent a large part of our life in it, so it is important to ask ourselves what is our element (which would say Sir Ken Robinson) and try to control it, and if possible to live on. For this is good ask questions like What would you do if you do not have to make money?In definitive is that eventually your thoughts and your actions will accordingly (thus avoiding cognitive dissonance experience), no excuses need to be addressed (no need to raise a revolution, we can start small-to me, for example, I like to make lists of goals each year- I think one year is a good time to change habits or to learn skills and stable changes in the life of a person), in the way we will accept changes in the environment and errors (of which we learn). Finally there is something that I think is key in all this, and serve others, as Mahatma Gandhi said "the best way to find yourself is to put in service to others." I leave you with a video that I get excited this Christmas (Thanks to my collegaue Kate who showed it to me!)

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